Thank you for applying for the License Agreement Renewals Program

You will receive a confirmation of approval within 2 business days.

What are the next steps?

1. If you are a new Cloud Champion user

You have received an email with your login details, and you have been granted admin rights. This means:

  • You can grant or revoke admin rights to your colleagues in Cloud Champion
  • You can manage each user’s access to your company area in Cloud Champion

2. If you are an existing Cloud Champion user

You have been granted access to the Renewals section in Cloud Champion and you can view your customers’ Licensing contract renewals.

3. Company validation within 2 Business Days

Once your participation is approved, your company’s Cloud Champion Admins have access to your customers’ Licensing contract renewals.

4. Access to your License Agreements Information

Log in to Cloud Champion and find your Licensing contract renewals under “My Account”.

5. If you are an admin, review who has access to your company’s Licensing contract renewals in Cloud Champion

With approval of your participation, your customers’ Licensing contract renewals will be visible to all admins of your company in Cloud Champion. You can revoke your colleagues’ rights to see the agreements in “my account – program members”. Simply check or uncheck the Renewals option